Friday, August 27, 2010

astronomy is awesome

Firstly, I don't want to have any romantic relationship with any guy (at least for the time being), especially if that guy is not Raphael (or at least Raphael-like). Having said that, don't expect me to be too friendly to you guys whatsoever. No offline communications, no "let's go out together!!!1!!1!!!!!", no direct contacts. Been there done that. Nak keluar sama mesti belanja. All expenses paid. Tambang pun taja sekali. Aku tak kira. Kau nak label aku materialistik ke hape ke silakan. If you can't sacrifice for me now, I cannot justify being your wife in the future. Nuff said.

Secondly, I love full moon. I really do. Full moon rising is the best natural phenomenon ever (besides the usual eclipses). If you are lucky enough, go to any place where you can almost see the horizon without any obstructions during a full moon night, preferably around Maghrib. You will see a beautiful orange full moon . (I rarely have a chance to witness this event because kat depan bilik banyak pokok and bangunan and whatnots makanya sangat sedih).

Thirdly, I'm sorry if I offended you. Apparently I have this 'enhanced' interpretation skills that leads me to misinterpret many an innocent status updates/ blog posts. The blame should be put entirely on me.

Fourthly (that sounds odd), I want macarons. I want I want I want I don't care I really want some macarons!!!11!11!!!!

Rose and pistachio and caramel and cherry with Nutella (I can go on forever with the list of 'freaky' flavours) is teh awesomest.

Fifthly, you can see Jupiter clearly right now. Look at the moon, and find the nearest bright object that doesn't twinkle. That's Jupiter. I want me a telescope, that would be awesome.

Yes, misleading title is misleading :D

1 comment:

kak lind said...

bole saye mintak number awak?