Sunday, January 30, 2011

thank you

Allah does not charge a soul except [with that within] its capacity. It will have [the consequence of] what [good] it has gained, and it will bear [the consequence of] what [evil] it has earned.
Al Baqarah 2: 286

Alhamdulillah, semua dah settle. Allah Maha Penyayang, waktu sedang kebuntuan, Dia beri jalan keluar. Waktu sedang sempit dan sedih, Dia beri kawan yang baik dan sudi membantu.

So thank you Allah. And dear friend, thank you :).

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

three drives - greece 2000

Discovered this from Global Underground 007: New York mixed by Paul Oakenfold. It's haunting me for days already. There's something addictive beneath the simple, repetitive trance melodies; something which brings me back to my younger days. Maybe it's the melodies: a lot of late 90s/early 2000s trance anthems have similar synth sounds. One thing for sure, this song reduced me to tears. And it doesn't even have a single fragment of lyrics.
Damn, I'm like an old woman reminiscing my 'earlier days'. But I love old-school dance music like this. In fact, I believe I am only inclined towards old-school dance music. Today's dance music has already been polluted by the likes of Guetta and his entourage of R&B/hip-hop/whateverheck 'artistes'.

Side note: guy in the video is hot!

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Beberapa hari lepas anak kucing jiran merangkap anak kucing angkat aku mati. Nama dia Putih, tapi dia sebenarnya tompok macam Buyou, tapi tompok dia warna kelabu biru-biru instead of hitam. Aku memang sayang dia sangat-sangat, sebab dia sekor je betina dan dia rupa macam Buyou. Masa dia lahir dia tak cukup bulan, so dia memang sangat frail la dibandingkan dengan abang dia si Kuning. Lagi malang masa dia umur dua minggu camtu dia accidentally kena pijak dengan bapak aku sebab masa tu bapak aku rushing nak hantar surat diskaun JPA kat aku yang sedang menunggu kat pejabat imigresen untuk buat pasport (aku memang amnesiac camtu). Aku memang nangis gila-gila la time tu n marah diri sendiri. Kalau aku balik sendiri ambik instead of tepon bapak aku sure dia tak kena pijak. Tapi Allah Maha Penyayang, walaupun kena pijak dia still lagi hidup, n membesar jadik anak kucing yang hiperaktif (tapi aku agak panik jugak la tengok dia tak minum susu langsung selama 2 hari lepas kena pijak tu). Masa umur sebulan dia suka tidur dengan aku, snuggle dalam toto aku pastu dalam pukul 3-4 pagi mula lari-lari panjat badan aku pastu ngiong-ngiong tak pasal-pasal (sebab diorang nokturnal kot).

adikku Putih

Bak kata mak aku, si Putih ni memang dirundung malang memanjang. Bulan lepas, dia termasuk dalam lubang jamban rumah kitorang. Walaupun dia ni kecik dan ringan (maybe sebab lahir tak cukup bulan kot) dia suka lari-lari tak tentu pasal, dan dijadikan cerita satu hari ni dia lari punya excited sampai termasuk bilik air dan subsequently tercebur dalam lubang jamban. Nasib baik adik aku perasan kalau tak mesti dia dah mati kesejukan dalam tu (masa tu midnight, pulaktu tengah hujan). Aku yang tengah tidur-tidur ayam terus terbangun. Adik aku dah siap mandikan dia dengan air sejuk pastu adik aku lagi sorang gi letak depan kipas angin nak keringkan dia. Punyela kesian betul. Aku nak marah pun tak sempat, aku terus peluk dia masuk dalam baju, lap badan dia sampai kering sambil keringkan dengan hair dryer. Memang menggigil gila dia time tu. Sekali lagi aku nak nangis. Well, tak boleh salahkan adik aku jugak sebab dia pun tengah panik time tu kot terus mandikan dia dengan air sejuk sebab nak jerang air tak sempat. Anyhoo, memang lepas insiden tu si Putih ni kerja bersin je macam aku.

Masa aku pergi Selangor for Southern Gathering last week, mak aku cakap sekali lagi adik Putih aku ni tercebur - this time dalam longkang yang dalam depan rumah. Aku tak tau la kenapa dia ni kerja tercebur aje, maybe sebab badan ringan mudah melayang (cakap pasal melayang, dia try beberapa kali terjun dari sofa rumah aku, tapi disebabkan melayang punya pasal dia termiss aim pastu terlanggar bucu meja. Aduh.). Memang si Putih ni susah sikit nak jaga sebab dia sangat frail tapi terlebih hiperaktif. Bila dah masuk longkang tu apa lagi, makin teruk la selesema dia. Aku nak bawak pergi jumpa government vet (mintak maaf, aku terpaksa berniat pergi gotv vet aje sebab duit aku serius dah habis for Toroa) tapi disebabkan aku tak tau kat mana klinik tu n bapak aku pulak memang tak nak bawak hence takde transport, niat aku tu ditangguh-tangguh. Si Putih pulah steady aje bersin dekat aku. One thing aku notice, dia jadik makin kurus.

Sampailah berapa hari lepas entah, aku notice dia tiba-tiba jadik sangat lemah. Aku letak dia dalam katil kucing yang bapak aku baru jumpa dari Singapore, dia duduk je situ diam-diam. Abang dia gigit nak rak pun dia buat dek aje. Tengok-tengok dia dah terberak dekat tepi katil kucing tu, muka dia lemah gila babas (which is bad sebab kucing-kucing ni tak pernah pun berak merata-rata; kalau diorang nak berak diorang pergi tempat berak diorang la). Aku bersihkan la semua pastu selimutkan dia. Pagi esoknya masa aku nak goreng kuih mak aku cakap dia kerja muntah aje all night. Aku bagi air kat dia, dia tak nak minum. Memang sedih sangat tengok condition dia time tu. Tapi aku nak rawat lebih-lebih pun tak sempat sebab aku kena goreng dan jual kuih, n mak aku pulak ade tempahan kuih lagi. So aku selimutkan dia lagi tebal-tebal, dan berdoa biar dia sembuh cepat. Aku memang bertekad nak hantar dia pergi vet hari tu jugak, tak kisah la kena bayar berapa pun.

Ditakdirkan Allah, aku kena rhinitis attack kaw-kaw punya pagi tu. Masa jual kuih pun aku melayang-layang rasa macam nak pitam, hidung kerja srot sret srot sret aje. Bila mak aku datang dia suruhla aku balik n tido kejap, kasi rehat dulu sebab rhinitis ni annoying kalau tak berehat dia tak nak hilang. Aku tengok si Putih elok lagi tido dalam katil kucing dia, tapi memang nampak sangat lemah la. Bila aku bangun balik, mak aku cakap dia dah selamat kembali ke rahmatullah. Aku on the spot nangis , masa mandi dalam bilik air aku almost meraung nangis, time makan pun nangis, lepas dua hari nangis lagi, tengok abang dia nangis lagi, nak tido nangis lagi. Memang sedih. Aku rasa menyesal sangat-sangat sebab tak bawak dia jumpa vet awal-awal. Sampai sekarang I sort of can't forgive myself because of that, tapi nak buat macam mana dah ajal dia. Kalau dia tak mati pun lagi kesian coz terseksa punya macam tu sekali.

RIP Putih

Takpelah, si Kuning ade lagi, I told myself. Sejak Putih mati aku memang sayang extra la kat si Kuning, sebab dia ni bijak pandai n bulu dia lawa sangat panjang dan lebat warna macam singa. Aku main-main guling-guling dengan dia, timang-timang dia. Aku peluk-peluk dia sambil nangis sebab bila pandang dia teringat Putih. Tengok dia main sorang-sorang memang sedih la sebab masa Putih ade lagi, dia suka buli budak tu even though Putih tu 2 kali ganda lagi kecik dari dia. Tapi somehow lepas Putih takde dia jadik terlebih ligat. Tak boleh stay indoor diam-diam, mesti nak keluar pastu main dengat mak, akak dengan bapak dia. So malam semalam disebabkan dia insist nak keluar jugak kitorang biar la dia keluar. Tak risau sangat sebab si Kuning ni cerdik, kalau dia merayau mana-mana dia mesti balik rumah jugak eventually. Bila dah midnight dia tak balik-balik jugak aku dengan meroyannya pergi keluar carik dia keliling blok dengan pakai kain batik. Nasib baik orang semua dah tido time tu, kalau diorang nampak aku sure diorang ingat aku ni meroyan. Mak dia ikut aku carik sekali (tau pulak ko concern ye kucing, masa anak ko ade lagi ko bukan nak jaga!). Carik punya carik tak jumpa, last-last aku buat conclusion yang dia maybe pergi tido rumah jiran aku. Tak terfikir pulak aku yang Kuning probably kena buang dengan wak indon pencacai celaka neighbourhood tu. Aku pun masuk rumah dan tido.

Hari ni aku bangun tengok Kuning still takde. Bapak aku pergi rumah jiran aku, diorang cakap Kuning takde kat situ. Sah kena buang. Indon celaka tu memang pantang jumpa kucing, dia mesti nak buang ke kampung sebelah, atas arahan Yang Teramat Mulia Abu Kassim and Family (landlord neighbourhood aku). Yes, aku tau undang-undang rumah ni kata tak boleh bela kucing atas sebab-sebab kebersihan, tapi kucing aku pandai berak dan kencing kat tempat dia (indoor so takdela mengotorkan taman-taman or persekitaran rumah yang diorang sanjung-sanjung ni) so f*ck off dude! Lagi satu kucing aku tu baru 2 bulan kot! Dia still menyusu, makan pun kena orang bagi. Bapak aku siap belikan dah Friskies satu bungkus besar nak bagi dia makan. Memang celakalah orang-orang yang menganiaya binatang ni. Aku tak faham kenapa ada orang dalam dunia ni yang benci kucing macam tu sekali. Semoga Allah membalas perbuatan diorang.

Kuning masa umur sebulan

Yes, aku masih menangis. Anak kucing aku seko mati, seko hilang. Ya Allah, peliharalah kucing aku Kuning, bagi dia petunjuk untuk balik rumah aku. Kalau tak balik semula pun biarlah dia hidup sempurna kat tempat baru dia, sentiasa dapat makanan. Wuwuwuwu, baru nak tengok Putih membesar jadik Buyou versi betina, n Kuning membesar jadik Kucing Iklan Friskies. Wuwuwuwuwu.


Saturday, January 22, 2011

deep house fever

From this week's Essential Selection (God I miss you Pete Tong). It's been a VERY long time since I last listen to a decent deep house song (ke aku yang malas carik?). Anyway, it's refreshing to listen to something new rather than shuffling through my small collection of very old skool dance music circa late 90's - early 2000's. If only Celcom Broadbad could be as fast as tonight every single day.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

nak study kat new zealand? edited version

A collection of infos I obtained from Southern Gathering. Many thanks to the seniors from AUSIS for giving us valuable infos and guidances :D

ETA: Mintak maaf, info yang diberi di sini banyak misleading, so aku yang dah tiba Dunny ni edit sikit2. Maybe silap time ambik nota, or kekeliruan masa bual2 dengan senior etc. Sekali lagi, mintak maaf sekiranya entry ini menimbulkan kekeliruan. Dengan ini saya mempersembahkan the edited version!

Part 1: Benda-benda kena beli/bawak

  • Sesiapa yang guna OS/ Microsoft Office yang tak ori, sila beli yang ori before fly untuk mengelakkan complications kot-kot dia check. Tak perlu pun, diorang tak cek. Tapi untuk meningkatkan keberkatan boleh je beli ori.
  • Bawak tudung, brooch, pakaian muslimah (blouse labuh ke, T-shirt panjang ke), handsocks, scarf, anak tudung Syria etc secukupnya dari Malaysia, buat bekalan. Kat sana susah nak dapat benda-benda macam ni, kalau ada pun mahal. <--- yang ni betul. Aku tak cukup tudung wuwuwu
  • Kalau nak, boleh bawak baju kurung 3-4 pasang kasi pakai dalam kelas bagi Mat Saleh jelly. Dan memandangkan kita konfem raya kat sana, bawak la baju raya barang sepasang dua, boleh bergambar masuk Salam Perantau kan.
  • For girls, pad beli banyak sikit kat sini. Unless korang nak pakai tampons kat sana (ade je pad kat sana, tapi tampons lagi berleluasa la. Pad kat sana tu kira taraf tampons kat sini la kot). Tak perlu beli banyak-banyak dari Malaysia, buat berat luggage aje. Sini ada jual pad, kat convenience store pun ada. Bawaklah sebungkus aje just in case.
  • Disebabkan kat sana selalu hujan renyai-renyai, adalah dinasihatkan supaya anda membeli sweater kalis air. Nak bawak payung no hal, tapi kalau taraf payung Malaysia ni tahan sehari je la coz kat sana angin kuat dan Insya-Allah payung anda akan diterbalikkan dek wind force. Kalau insist jugak nak guna payung, beli kat sana (mahal gel tapi tahan lama) or bawak payung pasar tani yang gedabak tu. Tipu sini payung mahal. Aku dapat kat Kmart $1 je. Dan angin takdela se-horror yang disangka, orang sini pakai je payung macam kat Malaysia.
  • Untuk mengelakkan episod mengidam makanan Malaysia yang sedap lagi menjilat jari, sila bawak serbuk kari, rempah-rempah, perencah siap, asam keeping, asam jawa, cili boh, kiub pati ayam etc. Tapi make sure diorang dipacking dalam packaging yang ada list ingredients, kalau tak kena buang.
  • Sesiapa yang ada medical conditions yang memerlukan korang makan ubat regularly (coughrhinitiscough), bawaklah bekalan ubat sebanyak yang boleh. Tapi for prescription drugs yang agak bahaya e.g. codeine kena dapat pengesahan bertulis something from your doc la (cakap je kat doc tu pandai-pandai la dia). Benda-benda OTC macam Panadol tak payah. Cetirizine pun tak payah, buat kena gelak je dengan doktor.
  • Beli kasut siap-siap kat Malaysia sebab kat sana tak best dan mahal. Better beli kasut bertutup, preferably sneakers yang mempunyai cengkaman yang awesome sebab kat sana jalan selalu ada frost so boleh senang-senang ice skating kalau pakai kasut tapak haus. Dude, tak perlu. Kasut sini MURAH KOT. Beli sini aje. Nak lagi murah beli kat thrift shop. Boots harga RM70 boleh senang2 dapat $10 kat sini.
  • Cakap pasal tak best, stationeries seperti kertas kajang, kertas A4, pen etc pun better beli siap-siap kat sini. Mereka sangat mementingkan environment tak macam kita so kertas kat sana ialah kertas recycle yang kuning dan tak best. Beli la barang 450 helai punya set tu, kang bawak banyak-banyak terlebih kg. Pengajaran yang paling berguna: JANGAN BAWAK KERTAS A4 BANYAK-BANYAK DARI MALAYSIA. Buat penuh luggage aje. Kertas sini sama je dengan macam kat Malaysia. Aku siap jumpa test pad Made in Malaysia kot.
  • Sila bawak extension dari sini. Dan jangan lupa beli universal adaptor. Adaptor boleh didapati di mana-mana kedai/mall aksesori komputer seperti Low Yat, Landmark IT Mall, Digital Mall dan IT floor di Plaza Alam Sentral semurah RM8 sebijik (yang spesifik untuk Aussie/ NZ punya, tapi takde surge protector) atau RM14 sebijik (for universal punya, ada surge protector). Tak payah beli yang mahal-mahal, yang tu lagi prone rosak. Lagipun kalau rosak yang murah tu korang boleh beli baru dengan harga 2 dollar je kat sana.
  • Bawak eye mo, losyen kulit, lip balm etc. <--- Boleh dapat kat sini
  • Sesiapa pakai spek sila buat spek extra sebab spek kat sana mahal gila babas.
  • Sesiapa yang gigi berlubang tak cabut-cabut macam aku pun sila cabut siap-siap sebab rawatan gigi kat sana mahal dan insurans tak cover. Insurans boleh cover, tak perlu risau. Bab cabut n tampal n wisdom tooth procedure boleh aje. Yang tak boleh kalau korang gedik-gedik buat cosmetic surgery tu je.
  • Bawaklah shower foam or syampu siap-siap dari sini (tapi takleh bawak banyak-banyak suka hati korang nanti tak lepas – sila cek nanti okeh). Kalau korang pakai pencuci muka Safi atau Shurah dan tak boleh pakai pencuci muka jenama lain pun boleh jugak beli bekalan siap-siap. Kat sana ada jenama international je la. Sini barang2 camtu murah, so tak payah bawak banyak-banyak. Kalau kat Malaysia St Ives mahal nak mampus, sini murah tahap gaban. Hair products jenama Schwarzkopf boleh dapat $4 je kot kat sini.
Sebagai kesimpulan, ingatlah rule of thumb ini: bawak benda yang korang rasa orang kat sini tak pakai je (e.g. barang muslimah, rempah ratus Malaysia). Tipu la orang sini tak pakai payung, kasut, shower foam, baju sejuk etc kan. Perlu juga diingat: JANGAN CONVERT CURRENCY!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

philosophy of time travel

Hi there. Went back from Shah Alam earlier today, for my Merit Certificate Ceremony something. Left JB yesterday with a crippling abdominal pain, and after a brief consultation with the doctor at Klinik Waqaf An-Nur (which is an awesome clinic, especially if you have financial difficulties), I was finally diagnosed with gastritis. Uh, well, I've been diagnosing myself with gastritis since forever, but yeah, never had any official diagnosis until now. So thanks to the crippling pain, I'm now on cimetidine and hyoscine butylbromide and finally, my hypochondriac self-diagnosis is certified to be true. So kids, if by any chance you're interested in self-harming to get attention whatsoever in your early teenage years, do not choose to starve yourself. Don't skip breakfast. And don't attempt to get overdosed on NSAIDs (uh, not that I've ever taken NSAIDs before - paracetamol is not anti-inflammatory - nor do I ever attempt to OD on any drugs, but you get my point). Pesanan penaja ini dibawa khas oleh Kementerian Kesihatan. Baca label sebelum menggunakan ubat.

Uh, where were we? Oh yeah, the Merit Cert thingie. Like I've mentioned in my previous posts, I was hoping for a merit, but definitely didn't expect two merits, especially when one of them is for the dreaded ESLS. Hell, I didn't even bother to check my grandma here kot! Thank Allah for that. Turns out I was among those People You Wouldn't Expect to Get Merit Whatsoever, i.e. not in the same category as Jeffrey and Hajar. Definitely not in the same category as Jeffrey. He whom the Director of INTEC knows personally, who have awesome people skills, who went around giving cards to every single AUSMAT lecturers, who have mesmerizing voice. Eh wait, I didn't mean to sound jealous or whatever la, I was just pointing out the obvious. Those who follow my Findings From My Anthology Studies series will understand that those who can connect with people better, and have superior interpersonal skills, will more likely be successful in whatever they're doing compared to their antisocial-ish peers. Individualism is a thing of the past, and since people are so engrossed with teamwork and stuffs like that nowadays, interpersonal skill is what you MUST have in order to survive. In other words, they didn't care about your natural tendency to be shy or among people, you have to shove your true personality aside and blend with the rest of the fake smiling crowd to climb the corporate ladder. I honestly think that while some people may be born with that natural charm, many people merely pretend to be 'friendly' for their own good. Doesn't matter if you don't like certain individuals, just wear that fake smile to portray that 'pleasant' imagery of yours, and people will start worshipping you in no time. No, this has nothing to do with Jeffrey at all. Just something I've been thinking for a very long time.

But then again, what you might refer as 'your default personality' may not even be default at all. Some people claim that it's in their blood, it can't be helped that they're not people friendly like the rest of their peers, that God has made them that way and there's no way to change it. Very few people realize that personalities are decided by our own self. We are the one who determine who we want to be, what sort of responsibility do we want to hold, our reasons to live in this world. To quote the philosophy professor in Waking Life: "... we should never simply write ourselves off or see each other as a victim of various forces. It's always our decision who we are." So I guess you could decide whether or not you want to be quiet, or talkative, or rebellious. What you are today may be determined by your actions and decisions in your earlier stage of life (I always thought that one of the reasons why I seem to be very very quiet is because I couldn't be bothered to connect with people back then when I was younger. This resulted in me refusing to make any effort to be friendly or learn vital social skills, hence making the the socially awkward person that I am today.) I guess you could even apply this to them "Saya Gay, Saya OK" people out there. You choose your own destiny and what you want to be peeps. Don't blame natural selection whatsoever in this case.

Wow, those are some seriously detached writings I've got there. I can never write a full book based from my dissertation later (what book? the "Fighting Rhinitis By Gene Therapy Which Is Absurd Because Histamines Are Part Of Our Defence Mechanism"?"Immunotoxicology For Dummies"?). Anyhoo, title is such because I've been highly interested in the theory of wormholes these days. Maybe it's influenced by Fringe, or John Connolly's The Gates, or Crichton's Sphere, or all those CERN- and quantum physics-related stuffs (and Goa stuffs - you would be amazed) I've been Googling for the past few weeks, but I do find them interesting. There's an infinite number of parallel universe multiverse, and by travelling through wormholes you might be able to travel to other bizarre places. Like the fifth dimension, or the universe where everybody still wear neon leotards and have bad mullets, or someplace where you can have Salviatrip just by breathing in air. The possibilities are endless. I would love to go back to the Rococo era, but that would be too clichéd for a lolita like me. Maybe that universe with Salvia-saturated atmosphere would be awesome. I would be happy to travel to that universe hahaha.

Thanks for reading by the way despite me being in my twisted mood

Sunday, January 2, 2011

like any other blogs, a new year post

2010 had been a wonderful year for me, a year of achievement. Ececeh, mukadimah gila poyo. But it's no doubt that 2010 had been better than my previous years, because
  1. I celebrated my first year of no cutting
  2. I passed my IELTS with my desired band
  3. I passed my Otago interview
  4. I became more active in lolita fashion, including managed to make my first handmade JSK
  5. I managed to complete my internal assessments okayly (hahaha gila word)
  6. I passed my SACE with flying colours, and got two merits in the process
  7. I had reached my goal of getting lucid dreams once per week
  8. I graduated from AUSMAT, the "toughest preparation program in INTEC"
  9. I had awesome people as classmates and lecturers
  10. I, uh, survived the year without falling for someone? XDDDD
Alhamdulillah, thank God for every bits of happiness that He gave me throughout the year. And thank God for every bits of uncomfortable moments as well, because they taught me something about life (like, recently I've learnt that it's always a bad thing to keep things from your acquaintances, especially benda2 yang ko tak puas hati. Baik cakap awal-awal daripada accumulate banyak-banyak di kemudian hari).

For 2011, although I'm not the one who makes (and keeps!) resolutions every time a new year arrives (my resolution for 2010, like the previous years starting from 2006, is to be more organised - I'm pretty sure I'm still a disorganised person by the time I'm writing this!), I thought it would be cool to list down my goals for 2011. After all, those who fail to plan, plan to fail right? Hahahahahahaha XD
So here goes nothing:

Alice's List of Things She Might Wouldn't Even Achieve Being A Pessimist That She Always Is
  1. Stop being too pessimistic!
  2. Be organised. Just organised, not "more organised" because I was never an organised person to start with
  3. Reach 2nd year of being sober free from cutting. April is not long from now, go bebeh go!
  4. Have at least two lucid dreams per week. By the end of the year, must have at least one lucid dream every alternate days.
  5. Read more books, including deep philosophical stuffs. And physics stuffs, because I suck at physics.
  6. Should I find any headshop at NZ, refrain self from buying LSD/peyote/Salvia/DMT (shoot, think I've found one)
  7. Survive Health Science First Year with more than B. Get Dean's List or whatever (awwww Prof. Duffull~~)
  8. Under the conditions in which I fail to pass HSFY with at least a B, beg JPA to allow me to take pharmacology
  9. Survive first year at NZ with as little tears as possible. Aw shucks.
  10. Make more lolita outfits. Assemble a hippie loli coord!
  11. Reduce compulsive buying. Since 'stop compulsive buying' is too harsh, reducing em will do
  12. Uhhh... socialize more?
  13. Get Melty Chocolate replica
  14. Update blogs moarrrr!!!!11!11!
  15. No romantic relationships whatsoever. Exceptions only apply if I manage to find Raphael
  16. Increase study hours. Less time online. Erk, contradict #14
  17. Improve music making skills. Make more songs. Explore other sub-genres, like, uh, breakbeat?
  18. Speak more English. Well, speak more in general. Resurrect grandma grammar
  19. Stop pendam-pendam hahahahaha
  20. Be less dependent and more independent
  21. Be a better muslimah and be closer to God :D
  22. The list goes on
Don't know if I will manage to achieve all of them though. Anyhoo, I do look forward to whatever in store for me this year. Marilah 2011!

By the way, thank you for following! (kes dah baru cecah 50+)