Thursday, October 21, 2010

not a counter-attack

but rather, a good great news, my dream is finally closer than I think!
(no, not Otago, something lamer, lol)

Remember this?

The original AP version will cost me at least RM1000 per JSK, which is definitely waaaay beyond what I could afford. I was left to drool over the set, witness the whole collection being re-released on AP's site, see them being sold out completely (yet again) and drool over them once again on egl_comm_sales. It's painful, really, wanting for something so impossible....

...Until this saves the day.

Melty Chocolate replica by Dream of Lolita (Taobao), approximate price RM150+


So who cares if it's a replica? Call me vile or anything, but I don't have anything against that. The construction looks okay, and the price is damn way cheaper than the original version. Although the quality is inferior to the original AP rare print, it's definitely worth the price. Not everyone could work their ass off to earn money for lolita dresses, and even if everyone could, not everyone could justify spending half of her taxpayer-funded semester allowance for a frickin lolita dress. Might as well use that money for Toroa College accommodation deposit, no?

I might end up buying this baby in mint. Probably as an early birthday present. Next year, before going to Otago (Insya-Allah, pray for my success in SACE okeh thank you :D :D).

But, uh, of course, need to wait for the reviews first, should there be any flaws on the print, or any misplaced icky laces (the gold trimming is like, uh, out of the world :O). But yeah, if it's generally okay I won't hesitate to buy one. Just need to work my ass off helping mom with our kuih business for a month, then y hola dream dress!

Of course I won't pass it off as AP,

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